JK Simmons's great performance speaks for itself and it seems to me that most actors who have theater backgrounds usually manage to pull off some serious acting in tv shows. I like how the first three episodes where the suspenses are well crafted but then in the latter episodes the plot development is a bit disappointing. I know the writers are purposely making Quayle the dumbest person in the show to support the irony that he ends up getting promoted somehow, but his utter stupidity and cockiness still piss me off. I look forward to the next season and hopefully they'd explain what the mysterious management department is.
看了两集弃了。总归吧,妖精漫画免费登录页面漫画这种设定都得是有钱家公子哥,无论出事原因还是事后造成的结局...普通人肯定一回来早忙着状告保险公司/航空公司了。。。哪来的闲工夫保卫城市啊 #就这么现实# 还有这货和绿灯侠怎么都喜欢跟眼镜上弄一抹绿= = #好fashion的眼妆#